A gang of n vicious drug dealers is surrounding Walker, the world’s favourite Texas ranger. But do not worry! This would be a critical situation for most people, but not for Walker. He can hit all of them with just a single of his “spinning kicks”.
However, as this is a TV series, the co-guionist Aaron Norris has reminded his brother (the great actor Chuck Norris starring as Walker) that he should take care of several restrictions:
– “We must follow these rules, Chuck”, Aaron says. “I’m sure it’s not hard for you to find the maximum number of guys you can hit with a single spinning kick under these restrictions.”
– “Indeed, it is not”, Chuck replies after thinking for a couple of microseconds.
– “Then, Chuck, please, follow these rules. Do it for the kids, Chuck!”
– “Alright.”
Can you write a program to compute the maximum number of drug dealers that Chuck can hit with a single spinning kick under the given restrictions?
Input begins with a number t ≥ 0. Follow t test cases, each with the number 0 < n ≤ 2000 of drug dealers, followed by t1, …, tn in ms. Each ti satisfies 0 ≤ ti ≤ 109. (Chuck can really give such loooong spinning kicks. Indeed, he is a 6-time Karate World Champion!)
Print t lines with the answers.
Due to his Cherokee upbringing, Chuck can solve this problem in Θ(n logn) time. But you may be not as good a programmer as Chuck, so the Judge will accept quadratic solutions.
6 2 2000 2010 3 7000 7009 7018 4 8000 7000 6000 5000 1 100 10 0 11 45 23 30 48 19 11 60 73 13 84 85 94 105 45 107 32 68 45 109 67 77 120
2 2 1 1 6 5