Design a circuit that controls a heating-cooling system of a room that has a remotely-controlled window. The system has four temperature sensors: two inside the room and two outside. The sensors inside the room indicate whether the temperature is too high (hot_in=1) or too cold (cold_in=1). The sensors outside the room indicate whether the temperature is sufficiently hot (hot_out=1) or cold (cold_out=1) to acclimatize the room.
The control system must save as much energy as possible, opening the window (open_window=1) when the outside temperature can be used to acclimatize the room. In case the outside temperature is not appropriate, the cooler of the heater must be activated.
Note that hot_in and cold_in can never be at 1 simultaneously. Similarly for hot_out and cold_out.
module heater_cooler_window (hot_in, cold_in, hot_out, cold_out, heater, cooler, open_window); input hot_in, cold_in, hot_out, cold_out; output heater, cooler, open_window;