Write a program that finds in a text the first line that contains a specified number of vowels and starts with a lowercase letter.
The input starts with a non-negative integer n in the first line, where it appears with no other information (but maybe with spaces). Then comes a text spanning an arbitrary number of lines, each consisting in an arbitrary number of words, each word made up of lowercase or uppercase letters or punctuation signs. The text is finished with the word "FINISH" in the last line, where it appears with no other information (but maybe with spaces).
The output must be the first line in the text that starts with a lowercase letter and whose words, considered together, add up to exactly n vowels, if one such line exists. Otherwise, the output must report that "No such line with n vowels found.", where n must be the appropriate number.
3 En un lugar de La Mancha de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme, no ha mucho tiempo que vivía un hidalgo de los de lanza en astillero, adarga antigua, rocín flaco y galgo corredor. FINISH
de lanza
No such line with 2 vowels found.
0 Hohoho A hppy smrf ywns Smurfs mk chldrn hppy smUrfs mk chldrn vry hppy chldrn mk smrfs vry vry hppy STRMPF chldrn lv smUrfs FINISH
chldrn mk smrfs vry vry hppy
5 And the winner... And the winner is... And the winner will be... FINISH
No such line with 5 vowels found.