Repetitions, conflicts and coincidences in a list of people X41925


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Given a list of people described by an identifier and a name, you must count three things:

  • Repetitions: number of pairs of persons with the same identifier and the same name.
  • Conflicts: number of pairs of persons with the same identifier and different name.
  • Coincidences: number of pairs of persons with a different identifier but the same name.


The input consists of several cases. Each case starts with a positive natural n in a separate line, which is the number of people. After that come n lines, each one with a natural number and a string, which are the identifier and name of a person. At the end there is a blank line.


For each case, the output has three natural numbers in one line, the number of repetitions, conflicts and coincidences in the list of people at the input.


Evaluation over 10 points:

  • Slow solution: 5 points.
  • Fast solution: 10 points.

It is understood that a fast solution is correct, with nlog(n) cost and passes all test cases, both public and private. A slow solution is defined as one that is not fast, but it is correct and passes the public test cases.

Public test cases
  • Input

    1 joel
    1 joel
    0 joel
    0 anabel
    4 maria
    1 anabel
    1 nestor
    3 maria
    4 anabel
    2 anabel
    4 maria
    4 nestor
    3 anabel
    2 david
    0 rosabel
    2 robert
    2 joan
    1 silvia
    5 rosabel
    5 rosabel
    3 silvia
    1 silvia
    5 silvia
    5 silvia
    1 silvia
    4 joel
    3 david
    5 rosabel
    5 joel
    2 rosabel
    3 joan
    5 silvia
    0 silvia
    0 silvia
    0 silvia
    0 silvia
    0 silvia
    2 desi
    4 desi
    5 desi
    6 desi
    0 desi
    1 desi
    6 desi
    0 anabel
    0 sandra
    0 silvia
    0 nestor
    1 nestor
    0 ferran
    2 aleix
    0 maxtor
    0 ferran
    1 cesar
    1 maxtor
    2 maxtor
    0 cesar
    1 maxtor
    2 maxtor
    2 cesar
    2 aleix
    0 aleix
    1 maria
    0 maria
    4 aleix
    4 aleix
    1 maria
    0 maria
    2 aleix
    4 aleix
    0 aleix
    2 maria
    0 nestor
    1 nestor
    2 nestor
    2 nestor
    0 silvia
    2 marisa
    1 marisa
    0 silvia
    2 marisa
    0 nestor
    2 marisa
    1 silvia
    0 nestor
    1 nestor
    2 robert
    0 robert
    2 laura
    0 joan
    1 joan
    1 robert
    1 laura
    2 joan
    0 joan
    1 robert
    2 joan
    0 robert
    1 robert
    2 robert
    0 joan
    2 joan
    1 rosabel
    0 rosabel
    0 rosabel
    2 rosabel
    0 rosabel
    2 rosabel
    1 rosabel
    6 nuria
    4 nuria
    4 nuria
    5 nuria
    1 nuria
    5 nuria
    2 nuria
    0 nestor
    0 angels
    2 david
    2 angels
    2 nestor
    1 david
    1 david
    0 david
    2 angels
    0 angels
    2 angels
    1 david
    1 nestor
    0 robert
    2 robert
    16 sandra
    16 robert
    7 joel
    10 joel
    0 robert
    4 robert
    13 robert
    11 marisa
    2 robert
    11 robert
    7 marisa
    7 marisa
    13 joel
    12 marisa
    1 joel
    13 marisa
    9 sandra
    12 marisa
    10 marisa
    0 david
    0 david
    0 david
    0 david
    0 david
    0 david
    0 oscar
    0 oscar
    0 oscar
    0 oscar
    5 nestor
    3 oscar
    5 robert
    5 robert
    5 robert
    3 cesar
    0 oscar
    5 angels
    4 robert
    6 robert
    7 oscar
    2 angels
    4 oscar
    5 cesar
    2 angels
    0 cesar
    2 robert
    1 ferran
    3 robert
    3 robert
    1 ferran
    0 robert
    0 robert
    2 robert
    1 ferran
    2 robert
    1 robert
    4 arisa
    5 arisa
    3 oscar
    7 oscar
    7 arisa
    1 arisa
    6 oscar
    3 arisa
    4 oscar
    9 oscar
    0 oscar


    1 0 2
    1 8 13
    9 21 24
    10 0 0
    1 0 20
    0 3 0
    0 0 1
    4 19 13
    5 3 15
    9 17 21
    11 24 32
    5 0 16
    2 0 19
    7 24 17
    2 8 41
    15 0 0
    6 0 0
    4 15 18
    8 3 23
    0 3 25
  • Information
    Original language
    Other languages
    Catalan Spanish
    Official solutions
    User solutions