Dice Pairs (3) X38896


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The statement is the same as with Dice Pairs (2): we run several experiments and, in each experiment, we have been throwing a pair of dice repeatedly, recording the outcome.

However, now there is no zero finishing the data for each experiment; instead, each experiment comes in a single line of the input. Again, you must write a program that, for each such experiment, reads the sequence of outcomes and prints out the histogram.


Input is a sequence of experiments. Each experiment consists of the outcomes of the corresponding dice throws, all of them provided in a single line.


For each experiment, print the histogram under the same conditions as in Dice Pairs (1) and (2). Print a line with five dashes between each two histograms — note that this condition is not the same as in Dice Pairs (2).

Public test cases
  • Input

    7 5 4 5 8 8 4 8 8 7 
    9 7 7 9 9 8 10 9 8 8 4 5 4 8 5 6 5 9 8 7 
    6 8 12 5 


    4: 2
    5: 2
    7: 2
    8: 4
    4: 2
    5: 3
    6: 1
    7: 3
    8: 5
    9: 5
    10: 1
    5: 1
    6: 1
    8: 1
    12: 1
  • Information
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