Write a program in Python that, using the optilog library, finds a coloring for a given graph.
In order to use the optilog library, the program has to include something like:
from optilog.solvers.sat import * ... solver = Glucose41() solver.add_clauses(...) solver.solve() solver.model()
The input is a text (in the stdin) with pairs of connected nodes. For instance, the text:
a b a c b c b d c d
The output is also a text (in the stdout) where in every line there is a list of nodes with the same color. In this example:
{a, d} {b} {c}
Notice that the order of the lines and the order inside each line is not relevant. In this example, there are three lines because this is the minimum number of required colors and node ’a’ and ’d’ can get the same color because they are not connected.
Samples have been selected in order to ensure that there exist a unique solution up to colors permutations.
a b a c b c b d c d
{c} {d, a} {b}
ast gal ast can ast cl gal cl can cl can pv pv cl pv rio pv nav rio cl rio ar rio nav nav ar cat ar cat val ar cl ar val ar cm cl mad cl ext cl cm cm mad cm ext cm and cm mur cm val val mur ext and and mur
{nav, and, val, cl} {can, cm, rio, cat, gal} {pv, ast, ext, mur, mad, ar}