Sort and count duplicates X31308


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Write a function count_dup that reads words, possibly including repeated ones, and writes them in sorted order, each together with its number of occurrences.

Input A sequence of nonempty words along possibly several lines, separated by spaces or end of line characters. Each word consists of arbitrary letters.

Output All the words appearing in the input, once each, in alphabetical order, and each followed by a colon, a space, and the number of times it appears in the input. See the example.

Observation You program must contain exactly one data structure, namely, a BST to be implemented by you. It can use also strings freely and, of course, nonstructured types like ints and bools. Other than that, ALL data structures are forbidden: no lists, no dicts, no Counters, no defaultdicts, no nothing.

Public test cases
  • Input

    erre por erre guitarra
    erre por erre barril
    rapidos ruedan los trenes
    rapidos por el ferrocarril


    barril: 1
    el: 1
    erre: 4
    ferrocarril: 1
    guitarra: 1
    los: 1
    por: 3
    rapidos: 2
    ruedan: 1
    trenes: 1
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