Write a program that reads a goal integer and a sequence of words and tests whether there are two different words in the sequence that appear at least as many times as the goal indicates.
First comes a goal integer n; follows a sequence of nonempty words, all formed only by lower-case letters. Words are separated by blank spaces or line ends, or both; at least one such separator, but maybe more than one.
If there are at least two words in the sequence that appear at least as many times as the goal n, the program must print a message like "There are two words that appear n or more times." (for the adequate value n, see the examples). Otherwise, it must print a message like "Less than two words appear n or more times." (again see the examples to see the adequate n).
2 erre con erre guitarra erre con erre barril
There are two words that appear 2 or more times.
3 erre con erre guitarra erre con erre barril
Less than two words appear 3 or more times.
3 por esa puerta de elvira sale muy gran cabalgada cuanto del hidalgo moro cuanta de la yegua baya cuanta de la lanza en mano cuanta de la adarga blanca
There are two words that appear 3 or more times.
100 the p versus np problem is a major unsolved problem in computer science the underlying issues were first discussed in the nineteen fifties
Less than two words appear 100 or more times.
2 the p versus np problem is a major unsolved problem in computer science the underlying issues were first discussed in the nineteen fifties
There are two words that appear 2 or more times.