The input will consist in several rows: - 1st will come the set of states of the DFA. - 2nd the alphabet supported by the DFA. - 3rd the start state. - 4th the set of accepted states (note that there could exist more than one accepted state). - N rows, one per state and in order of appearance, defining the transition function for such state using pairs of symbol-destination. - Finally, the input string.
In sake of clarity, the input for trying to discern if M (our previous example DFA) would accept 100010 would be: q1 q2 q3 0 1 q1 q2 0 q1 1 q2 0 q3 1 q2 0 q2 1 q2 100010
The output will be a single sentence depending on the evaluation’s outcome: - If the input string has symbols that aren’t from the DFA’s alphabet: "Invalid input string!" - If the input string is accepted: "Input string accepted" - If the input string is rejected: "Input string rejected" - If the definition does not correspond with a DFA: "This is not a deterministic finite automaton!"
Note that the later situation may arise when: - A transition involving a symbol not existing in the DFA’s alphabet is defined. - A transition involving a state not existing in the set of states of the DFA is defined. - There isn’t exactly a single transition defined for each pair of state-symbol. If that rule is broken we would be in front of a Nondeterministic Finite Automaton (NFA), so we better leave that topic for another year :)
q1 q2 q3 q4 0 1 q1 q4 0 q2 1 q1 0 q3 1 q1 0 q3 1 q4 0 q4 1 q4 011001100
Input string accepted
s q1 q2 r1 r2 a b s q1 r1 a q1 b r1 a q1 b q2 a q1 b q2 a r2 b r1 a r2 b r1 baba
Input string rejected
q1 q2 a b c q1 q1 a q2 b q1 c q2 a q1 b q1 abc
This is not a deterministic finite automaton!