Dice Pairs (1) X11911


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We have been throwing a pair of dice repeatedly, recording the outcome. Each die thrown shows a number between 1 and 6. Each time, we throw both dice and record their sum. We need the so-called “histogram”: for each outcome, how many times along the experiment we have obtained that outcome.

Write a program that reads the sequence of outcomes and prints out the histogram; your program should print only the nonzero entries. Follow precisely the format in the example; there should be no additional blank spaces or lines.

Additional suggestions: (a) in Python, propose first a version using a list as internal data structure; then, move on to a version using a dict; (b) once your program works, and fully outside the jutge, find out how to depict the histograms visually using matplotlib. You may try asking your instructor for an example of the desired figure.

Public test cases
  • Input

    7 4 10 5 4 7 11 5 6 5 8


    4: 2
    5: 3
    6: 1
    7: 2
    8: 1
    10: 1
    11: 1
  • Information
    José Luis Balcázar
    Official solutions
    User solutions