Published by
Dec 26, 2012 (last update: Apr 7, 2013)

log4z v0.9.0

Score: 3.3/5 (22 votes)

About this library.

Log4z is a lightweight library of C++ classes for logging to files. It is select from my project zsummer. so It's named log4z.
Current library v0.9.0 is the first publish version, next I will fix some of the details and append more interesting parts. and aways , It only has one .h and one .cpp.
Log4z can working in the windows, linux. the 32bit or 64bit, and muti thread environment.

build by ..

on linux:
first your must include "log4z.h"
and next: g++ -lpthread log4z.cpp ...your project

on winodws:
at your project include log4z.h and log4z.cpp.

how to use

output screenshot

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