I am posting this because after all my research I could not find a good example of both a templatized linked list and binary search tree. These are what I was able to come up with hope this helps anyone looking for something like this. The template linked list is very useful.
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#ifndef LIST_NODE_H
#define LIST_NODE_H
template <typename T>
class List;
template <typename T>
class ListNode //nodes to be contained with a list
friend class List<T>;
T getData();
T data; //templatized data stored in node
ListNode* nextPtr; //pointer to the next node in list
template <typename T>
ListNode<T>::ListNode(T dataIn)
data = dataIn; //stores data in node
nextPtr = 0; //initializes point to next node to null
template <typename T>
T ListNode<T>::getData() //returns data stored in node
return data;
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#ifndef LIST_H
#define LIST_H
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "ListNode.h"
template <typename T>
class List //linked list of ListNode objects
void insertNewNode(T); //fucntion used to insert new node in order in the list
void print(); //prints the contents of the linked list
ListNode<T>* search(T); //searches for a value in the linked list and returns the point to object that contains that value
ListNode<T> *startPtr; //stores the pointer of first object in the linked list
ListNode<T> *endPtr; //stored the pointer of the last object in the linked list
bool isEmpty(); //utility functions used to see if the list contains no elements
void insertBegin(T); //inserts new node before the first node in the list
void insertEnd(T); //inserts new node after the last node in the list
template <typename T>
List<T>::List() //creates list with start and end as NULL
startPtr = NULL;
endPtr = NULL;
template <typename T>
if ( !isEmpty() ) // List is not empty
ListNode<T> *currentPtr = startPtr;
ListNode<T> *tempPtr;
while ( currentPtr != 0 ) // delete remaining nodes
tempPtr = currentPtr;
currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;
delete tempPtr;
template <typename T>
bool List<T>::isEmpty()
if(startPtr == NULL && endPtr == NULL) //if the start pointer and end pointer are NULL then the list is empty
return 1;
return 0;
template <typename T>
void List<T>::insertBegin(T dataIn)
if(isEmpty()) //if the list is empty create first element of the list
ListNode<T> * newPtr = new ListNode<T>(dataIn); //creates new node
startPtr = newPtr; //start and end pointer are same becuase there is only one object in list
endPtr = newPtr;
}else //if node(s) exist in list insert additional object before the first
ListNode<T> * newPtr = new ListNode<T>(dataIn);
newPtr->nextPtr = startPtr; //the next pointer of the new node points to the node that was previously first
startPtr = newPtr; //the pointer for the new node is now the starting node
template <typename T>
void List<T>::insertEnd(T dataIn)
if(isEmpty()) //if the list is empty create first element of the list (same as first case in insert at begin)
ListNode<T> * newPtr = new ListNode<T>(dataIn);
startPtr = newPtr;
endPtr = newPtr;
}else //if node(s) exist in the list then insert new node at the end of the list
ListNode<T> * newPtr = new ListNode<T>(dataIn);
endPtr->nextPtr = newPtr; //the current last node's next pointer points to the new node
endPtr = newPtr; //the new node is now the last node in the list
template <typename T>
void List<T>::insertNewNode(T dataIn) //general funtionn to insert new node the proper order in the list
if(isEmpty()) //if there is no nodes in the list simply insert at beginning
}else //otherwise
if(dataIn < startPtr->data) //if the data of the new object is less than than the data of first node in list insert at beginning
else if(dataIn >= endPtr->data) //if the data of the new object is greater than than the data of last node in list insert at end
else //the new node is being inserted in order but not at the beginning or end
ListNode<T> * currentPtr = startPtr;
ListNode<T> * newPtr = new ListNode<T>(dataIn); //creates new node
while(currentPtr != endPtr) //runs until the end of the list is reached
if((newPtr->data < currentPtr->nextPtr->data) && (newPtr->data >= currentPtr->data)) //if the data of the new node is less the data in the next node and greater than the data in the current node, insert after current node
ListNode<T> * next = currentPtr->nextPtr;
currentPtr->nextPtr = newPtr; //current nodes next pointer now points to the new node
newPtr->nextPtr = next; //the new nodes next pointer now points the node previously after the current node
currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr; //moves to the next node in the list
template <typename T>
void List<T>::print()
cout << "The list is empty" << endl;
ListNode<T> * currentPtr = startPtr;
cout << "The contents of the list is: ";
while(currentPtr != NULL) //prints until the end of the list is reached
cout << currentPtr->data << ' ';
currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr; //moves to next node in list
cout << endl;
template <typename T>
ListNode<T>* List<T>::search(T key) //search functions that searches for node that contains data equal to the key
ListNode<T>* nodePtr;
bool found = false;
nodePtr = startPtr;
while((!found) && (nodePtr != NULL)) //runs through list until data is found within a node or end of list is reached
if(nodePtr->data == key) //if the node's data equals the key then the node has been found
found = true;
nodePtr = nodePtr->nextPtr; //moves to next node in list
return nodePtr; //returns pointer to the node that contains data equal to key (NULL if not found)
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#ifndef TREE_NODE_H
#define TREE_NODE_H
template <typename T>
class Tree;
template <typename T>
class TreeNode
friend class Tree<T>;
T getData(); //returns data stored in node
T data;
TreeNode* leftPtr; //pointer to left child node of node
TreeNode* rightPtr; //pointer to right child node of node
template <typename T>
TreeNode<T>::TreeNode(T dataIn)
data = dataIn;
leftPtr = 0; //pointer to left and right child nodes are initilized to NULL
rightPtr = 0;
template <typename T>
T TreeNode<T>::getData()
return data;
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#ifndef TREE_H
#define TREE_H
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "TreeNode.h"
template <typename T>
class Tree
void insertNewNode(T); //inserts new node in the tree
void preOrderPrint(); //prints out tree in the order in which it was entered
void inOrderPrint(); //prints out tree in accending order
void postOrderPrint(); //prints out the tree after the order
TreeNode<T>* search(T); //search for node thats data equals the search key and returns the pointer to that node
TreeNode<T> *rootPtr;
bool isEmpty();
//utility functions to make the insert, print, and search functions more understandable
void insertNewNodeUtility(TreeNode<T>**,T);
void preOrderPrintUtility(TreeNode<T>*);
void inOrderPrintUtility(TreeNode<T>*);
void postOrderPrintUtility(TreeNode<T>*);
TreeNode<T>* searchUtility(TreeNode<T>*,T);
template <typename T>
rootPtr = 0;
template <typename T>
void Tree<T>::insertNewNode(T dataIn)
insertNewNodeUtility(&rootPtr, dataIn); //calls insert new node function passing refernce of the root node and the data to be inserted in the new node
template <typename T>
void Tree<T>::insertNewNodeUtility(TreeNode<T>** temp, T dataIn)
if(*temp == 0) //if node is null create a new node with input data
*temp = new TreeNode<T>(dataIn);
if(dataIn < (*temp)->data) //if input data is less than data in current node
insertNewNodeUtility(&((*temp)->leftPtr),dataIn); //recursive function call with current node's left child as input leaf
if(dataIn > (*temp)->data) //if input data is greater than data in current node
insertNewNodeUtility(&((*temp)->rightPtr),dataIn); //recursive function call with current node's right child as input leaf
else //if input data is equal to data in current node
cout << dataIn << " is a duplicate value " << endl; //duplicate values ignored
template <typename T>
void Tree<T>::preOrderPrint()
template <typename T>
void Tree<T>::preOrderPrintUtility(TreeNode<T>* temp)
if(temp != 0)
cout << temp->data << ' '; //process node
preOrderPrintUtility(temp->leftPtr); //recursive traversal of left subtree
preOrderPrintUtility(temp->rightPtr); //recursive traversal of right subtree
template <typename T>
void Tree<T>::inOrderPrint()
template <typename T>
void Tree<T>::inOrderPrintUtility(TreeNode<T>* temp)
if(temp != 0)
inOrderPrintUtility(temp->leftPtr); //recursive traversal of left subtree
cout << temp->data << ' '; //process node
inOrderPrintUtility(temp->rightPtr); //recursive traversal of right subtree
template <typename T>
void Tree<T>::postOrderPrint()
template <typename T>
void Tree<T>::postOrderPrintUtility(TreeNode<T>* temp)
if(temp != 0)
postOrderPrintUtility(temp->leftPtr); //recursive traversal of left subtree
postOrderPrintUtility(temp->rightPtr); //recursive traversal of right subtree
cout << temp->data << ' '; //process node
template <typename T>
TreeNode<T>* Tree<T>::search(T key)
return searchUtility(rootPtr, key);
template <typename T>
TreeNode<T>* Tree<T>::searchUtility(TreeNode<T>* leaf, T key)
if(leaf != NULL)
if(key == leaf->data)
return leaf;
if(key < leaf->data)
return searchUtility(leaf->leftPtr, key);
return searchUtility(leaf->rightPtr, key);
return NULL;
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#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include "List.h"
#include "ListNode.h"
#include "Tree.h"
#include "TreeNode.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
int choice = 0;
//create function array of 10 random numbers between 0 and 100
const int size = 10;
int arr[size];
srand(time(0)); //time is used as the random seed
for(int i = 0; i <= size-1; i++)
arr<i> = rand() % 101; //assigns random number in array
List<int> intList; //creates order linked list
for(int i = 0; i <= size-1; i++)
intList.insertNewNode(arr<i>); //inserts value from array to the linked list in the proper positions
Tree<int> intTree; //create binary tree
for(int i = 0; i <= size-1; i++)
intTree.insertNewNode(arr<i>); //inserts value from array to the binry tree in the same order entered
while (choice != 7)
//displays initial array of values
cout << "Initial Array of Values" << endl;
cout << "-----------------------" << endl;
for(int i = 0; i <= size-1; i++)
cout << arr<i> << ' ';
cout << endl << endl;
//menu of options to perform
cout << "Linked Lists and Trees" << endl;
cout << "-----------------------" << endl;
cout << "1. Print Linked List" << endl;
cout << "2. Search For Entry In Linked List" << endl;
cout << "3. Print Pre-Ordered Traverseal of Tree" << endl;
cout << "4. Print In-Order Traversal of Tree" << endl;
cout << "5. Print Post-Order Traversal of Tree" << endl;
cout << "6. Search For Entry In Tree" << endl;
cout << "7. EXIT" << endl;
cout << "Enter Choice: ";
cin >> choice;
int key; //search key used for both the search of linked list and binary tree
ListNode<int>* posList; //node pointer used to store a pointer to node returned from the linked list search function
TreeNode<int>* posTree; //node pointer used to store a pointer to node returned from the binary tree search function
case 1:
cout << "Output of a Sorted Linked List" << endl;
cout << "------------------------------" << endl;
intList.print(); //prints contents of linked list
case 2:
cout << "Searching In a Linked List" << endl;
cout << "--------------------------" << endl;
//prompt for search key
cout << "Enter a a search key: ";
cin >> key;
posList = intList.search(key); //stores pointer to list node object
cout << "The value of pointer is " << posList << endl;
if(posList != NULL) //if not null then the value was found
cout << "The value stored at this posistion is " << posList->getData() << endl;
cout << "The pointer to this position is NULL so there can be no value stored" << endl;
case 3:
cout << "Pre-Ordered Traverseal of Tree" << endl;
cout << "------------------------------" << endl;
intTree.preOrderPrint(); //print pre ordered traversal of binary tree
cout << endl;
case 4:
cout << "In-Ordered Traverseal of Tree" << endl;
cout << "------------------------------" << endl;
intTree.inOrderPrint(); //print in ordered traversal of binary tree
cout << endl;
case 5:
cout << "Post-Ordered Traverseal of Tree" << endl;
cout << "------------------------------" << endl;
intTree.postOrderPrint(); //print post ordered traversal of binary tree
cout << endl;
case 6:
cout << "Searching In a Tree" << endl;
cout << "-------------------" << endl;
//prompt for search key
cout << "Enter a a search key: ";
cin >> key;
posTree = intTree.search(key); //stores pointer to tree node object
cout << "The value of pointer is " << posTree << endl;
if(posTree != NULL) //if not null then the value was found
cout << "The value stored at this posistion is " << posTree->getData() << endl;
cout << "The pointer to this position is NULL so there can be no value stored" << endl;
case 7:
cout << "Thanks for using my test program for Linked Lists and Trees" << endl;
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The reason I posted this is that I had an assignment where I had to design a binary search tree and a linked list and couldn't find anything online as to how to design it yourself. Everywhere I looked they used the STL linked list which is not the purpose of the assignment. I wanted to post this so anybody else in my situation has something to refer to and get the basic idea.