On the beach P94819


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You have been sunbathing on a sand beach, and now you want to take a bath. You touch the sand, but it burns! How can you minimize the total pain to reach the sea?

Assume a two-dimensional world. The beach has length ℓ and width w. Where y ≤ 0, there is sea. Where 0 < x < ℓ and 0 < y < w, there is sand. The rest is covered by grass. You are at a position (a, b) strictly inside the beach. Walking a unit on the sand causes pain s. Walking a unit on the grass causes pain g, with g < s.

To the right we see an example with ℓ = w = 30, a = 12 and b = 20. The black dot shows the origin (0, 0). The red dot shows your position. If s = 3 and g = 2, the best path (in blue) goes straight into the sea. If s = 13 and g = 5, the best path (in pink) goes first straight on the sand to the point (0, 15), and then straight on the grass into the sea.


(100,100) sand0.92 0.82 0.68 grass0.39 0.78 0.0 sea0.0 0.48 0.68

linecolor=sand (20,20)(20,80)(80,80)(80,20)

linecolor=grass (00,20)(20,20)(20,80)(80,80)(80,20)(100,20)(100,100)(0,100)(00,20)

linecolor=sea (00,00)(00,20)(100,20)(100,00)(00,00)

linestyle=solid linewidth=2pt linecolor=black fillcolor=black (19.5,20)2

linestyle=dashed linecolor=magenta ->(44,60)(19.5,40) ->(19.5,40)(19.5,20)

linestyle=dashed linewidth=1.5pt linecolor=blue ->(44,60)(44,20)

linestyle=solid linewidth=2pt linecolor=red fillcolor=red (44,60)2

linecolor=black (50,85) ->(47,85)(20,85) ->(53,85)(80,85)

(85,50)w ->(85,47)(85,20) ->(85,53)(85,80)

Given ℓ, w, a, b, s and g, can you minimize the pain to reach the sea?


Input consists of several cases, each with ℓ, w, a, b, s and g. They are strictly positive real numbers with at most three digits after the decimal point. Assume a < ℓ, b < w, and g < s.


For every case, print the minimum total pain to reach the sea with three digits after the decimal point. The input cases have no precision issues.

Public test cases
  • Input

    30 30 12 20 3 2
    30 30 12 20 13 5
    25.5 12.1 23.6 4.7 18.4 5.3


  • Information
    Salvador Roura
    Official solutions
    User solutions